In today’s interconnected business ecosystem, third-party vendors play a crucial role in the operations of any organization. While they can bring considerable benefits, vendors also introduce certain risks, especially in terms of data security and compliance. One compliance framework that has been particularly relevant for organizations operating in the digital sphere is System and Organization Controls 2, or SOC 2. Developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), SOC 2 has set a high bar for how organizations should manage and protect customer data. When it comes to navigating SOC 2, effective vendor management becomes indispensable. This Peak Post will delve into the intricacies of SOC 2 compliance and the intersection of vendor management in successfully navigating this journey.

Understanding SOC 2 Compliance

SOC 2 is a type of audit and reporting framework designed for service providers that store customer data, especially those in the tech and cloud computing sectors. The audit examines the effectiveness of a company’s systems to manage data securely, ensuring the protection of both the organization and its customers’ interests. The primary goal of SOC 2 requirements is to ensure that systems are set up, so they assure the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data.

The relevance of SOC 2 extends beyond the organization. SOC 2 compliance is crucial for businesses that aim to demonstrate a high level of security and data protection to their clients. It assures clients and stakeholders that their sensitive data is managed securely and confidentially. It not only increases customer trust but also provides a competitive advantage in the market. While similar in some respects, SOC 1 and SOC 2 have different focus areas. SOC 1 deals with the financial reporting of the company, whereas SOC 2 focuses on the company’s non-financial reporting controls as they relate to the security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of a system.

The Essentials of Vendor Management

Vendor management involves establishing and managing relationships with third-party vendors that supply goods and services to an organization. It includes several processes, from vendor selection and contract negotiation to performance evaluation, managing relationships and risk management.

When it comes to SOC 2, vendor management becomes particularly critical. Since vendors may have access to an organization’s systems and data, any shortcomings in their security practices could potentially compromise the organization’s compliance with SOC 2 requirements. Managing vendors can be challenging, as it requires maintaining good relationships, ensuring timely delivery of services and goods, and dealing with contractual and payment issues.

The Role of Vendor Management in SOC 2 Compliance

Effective vendor management ensures that the organization’s relationship with its vendors aligns with the SOC 2 Trust Service Criteria. Here’s how vendor management influences the five Trust Service Categories:

1. Security: Vendor management plays a pivotal role in ensuring that robust security measures are in place, not just within the service organization, but also among all the vendors that it works with. Vendors often need access to the organization’s systems and data to provide their services, which can expose the organization to security risks if not managed properly. Vendor management involves conducting thorough security assessments of potential vendors, monitoring their ongoing compliance with security requirements, and ensuring they respond appropriately to any security incidents.

2. Availability: For many businesses, the availability of vendor-provided services and systems is critical for smooth operations. Disruptions in vendor service can lead to significant operational issues and could potentially violate the availability principle of the SOC 2 requirements. Effective vendor management entails establishing clear expectations about service levels, monitoring vendor performance to ensure they meet these expectations, and putting contingency plans in place in case of any disruptions.

3. Processing Integrity: The integrity of data processing is another key SOC 2 principle. It is essential that vendors process data accurately, timely, and completely to maintain this integrity. Vendor management helps ensure this by evaluating the data handling practices of vendors, verifying the controls they have in place to maintain data integrity, and regularly auditing their performance against these standards.

4. Confidentiality: Vendor management plays an essential role in maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive data. This involves confirming that vendors understand and adhere to their obligations under confidentiality agreements and regularly monitoring their compliance. It also means working with vendors to address any potential confidentiality concerns and taking corrective action if a breach occurs.

5. Privacy: Privacy, like confidentiality, is crucial in the digital age. Vendor management helps ensure vendors comply with privacy regulations by validating their privacy practices, checking their compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations, and overseeing their handling of personal information. This includes ensuring vendors only collect and use personal information in accordance with agreed-upon terms and privacy standards.

Ineffective vendor management can indeed lead to system breaches and potential non-compliance with SOC 2, which can have severe consequences for the organization. However, a well-executed vendor management strategy can help prevent such breaches, making the path towards SOC 2 compliance considerably smoother. By aligning vendor management practices with the Trust Service Criteria, organizations can not only achieve SOC 2 compliance but also significantly enhance their overall security posture.

Vendor Management Best Practices for SOC 2

Navigating the path to SOC 2 compliance requires businesses to not only ensure their internal systems and processes are up to par, but also that their vendors uphold the same standards. Here are three (3) best practices for vendor management in the context of SOC 2:

1. Vendor Selection: The process of choosing vendors should be rigorous and thorough, with an emphasis on security. Companies should favor vendors who not only assert their commitment to security but can also substantiate their claims. This could include proof of SOC 2 compliance or, at minimum, alignment with SOC 2 standards. For instance, a vendor might provide evidence of their own successful SOC 2 audits, independent security assessments, or adherence to other relevant security frameworks like ISO 27001 or the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. By choosing vendors with a proven commitment to security, companies can better ensure their own compliance with SOC 2 requirements and reduce associated risks.

2. Regular Monitoring and Assessment: Choosing vendors with strong security practices is a crucial first step, but it’s not enough to simply set it and forget it. Regular monitoring and assessment are crucial to ensuring ongoing compliance. This might involve conducting vendor risk assessments, scheduled audits, random checks, or automated monitoring systems to continually assess the vendor’s security practices. This might involve reviewing the vendor’s security policies, analyzing their history of security incidents, or testing their security controls. The goal is to identify and address any potential security issues before they can negatively impact the company’s SOC 2 compliance. Regular monitoring also demonstrates to auditors that the company is proactive about vendor management, which can help boost their confidence in the company’s overall security posture.

3. Vendor Contracts: Contracts with vendors should be explicit about security requirements and SOC 2 compliance. Including specific clauses related to these topics can help ensure that the vendor understands their responsibilities and is legally obligated to fulfill them. It’s a good idea to have legal counsel or a compliance expert review the contract to ensure that it adequately addresses these concerns. Additionally, contracts should provide for the possibility of audits and the need for the vendor to remedy any identified security deficiencies promptly. These contract stipulations reinforce the seriousness with which the company takes its SOC 2 compliance and further holds vendors accountable for their part in that process.

It is also essential to have a clear process for vendor termination. Despite your best efforts, there may be times when a vendor can no longer meet your security requirements or comply with SOC 2 standards. In such cases, it’s crucial to have a plan in place to transition away from that vendor without jeopardizing your data security or SOC 2 compliance. This might involve steps to securely transfer any data the vendor holds, ensure the vendor deletes all your data from their systems, or replace the vendor without disrupting your business operations.

By incorporating these best practices into their vendor management processes, companies can significantly improve their chances of achieving successful SOC 2 audit outcomes. These practices can also help strengthen the company’s overall security, reduce potential risks, and build stronger relationships with their vendors, leading to long-term benefits beyond compliance.

Vendor Exception Handling

Vendor exception handling refers to the process of managing and resolving any anomalies, deviations, or discrepancies that occur within the vendor management process. This can cover a wide range of issues, from non-compliance with contractual obligations or SOC 2 standards to unexpected disruptions in the vendor’s service.

Here are some key steps involved in vendor exception handling:

1. Identification: The first step in exception handling is identifying that an exception has occurred. This can be through regular audits, monitoring activities, vendor risk assessments, or alerts from automated monitoring systems. Effective exception identification relies on having clear benchmarks for what constitutes normal vendor performance and compliance.

2. Documentation: Once an exception is identified, it should be thoroughly documented. This documentation should include details of the exception, when and how it was discovered, and any immediate action taken.

3. Evaluation and Prioritization: Not all exceptions carry the same level of risk. It’s important to evaluate each exception based on its potential impact on your operations and SOC 2 compliance, and prioritize them accordingly.

4. Remediation: For exceptions related to non-compliance with SOC 2 standards, the vendor should be notified and expected to address the issue promptly. Remediation might involve correcting a particular process, improving certain security measures, or in serious cases, considering termination of the vendor contract.

5. Review and Adjustment: The vendor management process should be reviewed regularly to ensure that exceptions are being identified and managed effectively. This could lead to adjustments in the monitoring and assessment process or changes in how vendor performance and compliance are evaluated.

By handling exceptions properly, organizations can quickly address potential issues with their vendors and maintain their commitment to data security and SOC 2 compliance. It also demonstrates to auditors that the organization has robust procedures in place to manage vendor-related risks.


Vendors can be both a significant asset and a potential liability. While they can bring considerable benefits in terms of services and operational efficiency, they also introduce certain risks, particularly around data security and compliance. Navigating these complexities is where the strategic importance of vendor management becomes crystal clear, especially when viewed through the lens of SOC 2 compliance.

Organizations striving for SOC 2 compliance must diligently manage their vendor relationships and align their vendor management practices with the Trust Service Criteria. Effective vendor management not only contributes to successful audits but also strengthens the overall security posture of a company. By embedding the principles of vendor management in their operations, businesses can navigate their journey to SOC 2 compliance with confidence and assurance.

Please reach out if you would like to learn more about how Audit Peak can assist you with your SOC 1 and SOC 2 compliance or for a free consultation. WE WILL TAKE YOU TO THE PEAK.